Budget and Transparency Reporting

Michigan's State School Aid Act requires each school district and intermediate school district to post certain information on its website within 15 days after a board adopts its annual operating budget or any subsequent revision to that budget. The Annual Budget and Transparency Reporting is an opportunity to communicate to our community on how we utilize the resources that are provided to us.

2024-25 Budget Resolution - Approved

2024-25 School Service Fund Resolution - Approved

2024-25 Student Activity Fund Resolution - Approved

2023-24 Final Budget Resolution - Approved

2023-24 Final School Service Fund Resolution - Approved

2023-24 Final Student Activity Fund Resolution - Approved

2023-24 First Revised Budget Resolution - Approved

2023-24 General Fund Resolution - Approved

2023-24 School Service Fund Resolution Lunch Budget - Approved

2023-24 Custodial - Student Activity Resolution - Approved

2022-23 Final General Fund Resolution - Approved

2022-23 Final School Service Fund Resolution Lunch Budget - Approved

2022-23 Final Custodial - Student Activity Resolution - Approved

2022-23 Second Revised Budget Resolution - Approved

2022-23 First Revised Budget Resolution - Approved

2022-23 School Service Fund Resolution Lunch Budget - Approved

2022-23 Custodial - Student Activity Resolution - Approved

2022-23 General Fund Resolution - Approved

2021-22 Final School Service Fund Resolution - Approved

2021-22 Final Custodial - Student Activity Resolution - Approved

2021-22 First Amend Budget Resolution - Approved

2021-22 General Fund Resolution

2021-22 School Service Fund Resolution

2021-22 Custodial Fund Resolution

2020-21 Final General Fund Resolution

2020-21 Final School Service Fund Resolution

2020-21 Final Custodial Fund Resolution

2020-21 First Amend Budget Resolution-Approved

2020-21 Budget Resolution

2020-21 Food Service Budget Resolution

2019-20 Final Budget Resolution

2019-20 Final Adopted Debt Service Resolution

2019-20 First Amend Budget Resolution-Approved

2019-20 Adopted Budget Resolutions
2018-19 Final Amend Budget Resolutions
2018-19 First Amend Budget Resolution
18-19 Budget Resolution - Approved
18-19 Debt Retirement Fund Resolution - Approved
17-18 Final Amend Resolution - Approved
17-18 Final Adopted Debt Retirement Fund Resolution
17-18 First Amend Budget Resolution - Approved
17-18 Operating Budget Resolution
2017-18 Debt Retirement Fund Resolution

Because our staff is hired through a third party vendor, we did not sponsor health care plans, they were provided by the vendor.

Because our staff is hired through a third party vendor, we did not sponsor health care plans, they were provided by the vendor.

The school did not incur any lobbying costs.

We do not have a deficit.

In accordance with PA 173, MCL 380.1249(3) West Michigan Academy of Arts & Academics provides the following postings and assurances with regard to the Educator Evaluation processes and protocols within the district.

Superintendent Evaluation
Teacher Evaluation