Food Program Information
For the 2023-2024 school year, WMAAA qualifies for a Community Eligilibility Program. This means that all students are eligible to receive free breakfast and lunch. Please note that WMAAA still has significant funding attached to our free and reduced eligibility. Therefore, we would ask that you still complete an Education Benefits Form.
Serving Info
Breakfast will be available every morning until 8:15am. When students enter the building they will be able to stop at a serving station to pick up a breakfast to eat in their classroom until 8:15am. Breakfast will not be served after 8:15am
Because lunches are prepared by the serving, teachers will record requested student lunches with their morning attendance (2nd hour for middle school students). If your student should order lunch everyday, please communicate that to their classroom teacher. TK-2nd grade teachers will check lunch boxes for students who are not on their everyday order list. 3rd-8th grade teachers will ask students whether they need lunch during attendance who are not on their everyday order list.
West Michigan Academy of Arts and Academics does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, height, marital status, handicap disability, or limited English proficiency in any of its programs or activities. The following office is designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies.